What is the APHIS 7001 form?

What is the APHIS 7001 form?

The APHIS 7001 form is an International Health Certificate from the USDA (United States Department of Health). If you’re in the United States and traveling internationally with your pet, chances are you’ll need to have this form filled out. Here’s the low down on the APHIS 7001 and everything you’ll need to know about it.

Download the APHIS 7001 form here.

APHIS 7001

What is the APHIS 7001?

The APHIS Form 7001 is the American pet health certificate used when traveling outside of the United States with your pet. 

It’s officially known as the United States Interstate and International Certificate of Health Examination for Small Animals.

The certificate confirms that your pet is healthy and does not pose a health risk to people and/or animals. Most countries require this form to be officially endorsed by the USDA’s Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, aka APHIS.

How do I know if a country requires the APHIS 7001 form?

Search your destination country’s requirements here and see if they require the form upon entry. Chances are you will need one if you are flying internationally from the United States.

how to save on vet care in nyc

Are there countries that don’t require the APHIS 7001 form?


Some countries, like Mexico, do not require the form. 

On the flip side, some countries require the form, plus additional paperwork. It all depends on your destination. 

How do I get the APHIS 7001 filled out?

This is important. You don’t fill out the form, your vet does! Your APHIS 7001 form should be filled out by a USDA Accredited Veterinarian. 

How do I get the APHIS 7001 endorsed?

An endorsement means that the USDA has reviewed your documents and given their official stamp of approval. It requires you to either visit their office in person, mail in the documents, or in some cases, you may have your vet electronically submit them.

That’s right – the USDA has upgraded and now allows forms to be submitted electronically. You’ll need your vet to submit them directly using the NCAH Portal, an external-facing Web Portal that allows for electronic communications between external stakeholders and NCAH agencies.

You can find detailed instructions on how to do this here

Where can I get a copy of the APHIS 7001?

You can download the form here and print it out. Bring a copy with you when visiting your vet, just in case.

A veterinarian checking out a beagle dog.
A veterinarian checking out a beagle dog.

How much does it cost to get the APHIS 7001 filled out?

That depends on your vet. If you’re lucky, your vet will fill out the form at no extra charge, but some vets do charge a fee.

Expect to pay the cost of your vet visit and ask about form charges on top of that. If your pet requires vaccines or tests, the cost will go up.

How much does it cost to get the APHIS 7001 endorsed by the USDA?

Fees are based on the number of tests required by the destination country and the number of animals on a certificate. 

If a country ONLY requires vaccinations, the fee is $38 per certificate. If testing is involved, then charges go up.

Click here for more details.

Want to see an Aphis 7001 example?

Here is an example of an Aphis 7001 form I had filled out for an international trip with my dog. This form has been endorsed, meaning it has a seal on it from the USDA. It is the form I used to take to the airport and travel with.

APHIS 7001 completed form.

For more information on traveling with your pet, click here.

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What is the APHIS 7001 form?

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